
how many signs does it take to get to the center of my tootsie pop?

i'm asking for signs. signs that will bring me to the center of myself. signs that will show me which direction to go. signs that encourage me, that inspire me, that invite me to look at my life differently. i want a sign. I NEED a sign. but how many signs will it take???

so far i've received 4.

4! you may ask yourself, isn't that enough? well, yes, for a normal person. but i am NOT a normal person. and i keep asking myself how many signs it will take. and also, how do i know when i get a sign. and what if i am missing the signs. afterall, i do need to find the center of my tootsie pop.


keo boun pheng said...

it sounds like you are a new mother, with a new perspective ... and a new need to define yourself -because you are new, but you wonder if you are still who you used to be ... your hormones are wearing-off and your body is slowly becoming your own (despite the babe attached to your breast) and despite the pluthera of "gratifications" that come with being a mother, you know there is more inside of you and you want to remember what it felt like to worry only about THAT.

maybe i'm totally off base, but i have felt this way...i still feel this way some days. so many perspectives to the tootsie pop - it changes depending on where you are standing. you are the same - but you are forever changed!

meg said...

i have learned (a long time ago, but more enforced in the recent past) that the more grateful we are for each sign and for what we have, the more signs we receive, the more direction we are given. although cheesy at times, developing gratitude exercises throughout our day even as an experiment, we receive many more signs. and, as you know, the more subtle the sign, the more powerful often times. you're doing a great job. here's to many more signs....

Anne said...

amanda - i say if you received four signs already - that is pretty clear that whatever you are trying to decide or figure out is worth the leap of faith. you can do it!

paige said...

i don't see you nearly enough.

paige said...

i don't see you nearly enough.

paige said...

thanks so much for coming over last night. it was so good to see you. you are my people.

amanda jane said...

thanks for the encouragement...i look up to all of you women as guides through this life. and right now i definitely NEED you all.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.