
how do you measure summer?

is it possible to measure summer? some people measure summer in t-ball games, in fish caught, or in trips to the lake. others measure summer in BBQ's, in shave-ices, or in country fairs. some measure summer in fresh tomatos, in lemonade stands, or even in mojitos.

i measure summer in tan lines....and seeing that i already have a flip-flop line on my feet (and it's not even june), i have a feeling this is going to be a VERY good summer.

is it possible to measure summer? if so, how do YOU measure summer?


keo boun pheng said...

amanda - i measure summer in daylight-hours. i LOVE the fact that waking-up at 6:00am is still too late to beat the sun -- and the fact that 9:00pm always sneaks-up on me.

and despite the fact that it has been 11 years since i lived in finland - every summer i dream of the daylight in northern finalnd - where the sun barely travel below the horizon over the course of a day -- when we would sauna at midnight and i would go to sleep at 3:00 am because the sky was starting to get brighter and it meant the new day was starting. you know that it is true that you need less sleep when you gain so much energy from the sun? also summer vegetables in finland are sooo tasty from all that sun!

so yes: i measure summer in sunlight.

Anne said...

hmmmm, lately i just measure time by the days it takes me to get to the weekend. i think i would like to measure summer by the mojitos though. based on your head start of how you measure summer - i need to get a drink soon!

paige said...

sun burns, road trips, new freckles, trips to the beach, TUBING, misquito bites, and grasshoppers.

Anonymous said...

Now that I'm a teacher, my measure of summer is in constant vacationing. In road trips, in the number of days I spend outdoors and consequently in the number of PBR's I consume (though that generally stays consistent throughout the year ;)).

Growing up, fireflys, humidity and otter pops were always a good measure of summer.

Team Bartz said...

i lost your email address, but have been wondering your take on the G diaper.
by the way, you have a beautiful boy! hope you three are doing wonderfully!

Anonymous said...

In Tucson, we measure summer by our electricity bill for the AC. Oh, and the fact that the sun rises before 5 am and you have to get your ass out the door for a run before it gets ridiculously hot. Now I miss grass and water and gentle sunshine and the cool morning air and actually being able to go outside during the day!

amanda jane said...

i guess it IS possible to measure summer. it sure would be fun to have you all together sipping mojitos in the sun! but i guess the blog world will have to suffice for now...