
moon geeks

so i sat down to watch the lunar eclipse the other night. i was excited and full of anticipation. i love the moon. i adore the moon.

i love how she glows,
how she creates my flows.
i love her face,
how she floats in space.

(you could say, based on that lame poem that i'm a bit of a moon geek). anyway, as i was saying, i sat down to watch the eclipse, prepared for something to HAPPEN.

but i waited. and i waited. and i waited. and nothing HAPPENED. i waited what felt like a really, really long time and all i could see was the bottom, left edge of the moon get a little fuzzy from the earth's shadow. i did not have time for this. this was about as exciting as watching paint dry. so i got up and did something else. i don't even remember what i did. all i knew was my baby was asleep and i did NOT have time to sit around and watch nothing HAPPEN.

then, i heard a bunch of people talking on MPR about the eclipse and how incredible it was....what were they talking about?!?! surely there must be others out there more geeky than me when it comes to la luna. well, alright. i denounce my geekism. and give props to those of you who did manage to watch the 3 hour progression and even more amazed at those who even sat outside and took pictures...here's to them, the true moon geeks.

1 comment:

Anne said...

i love it! first, that poem is amazing. second, you are hilarious - "this was about as exciting as watching paint dry."

jake is the true moon geek - he was out there for an hour taking photos.

as for me....i was totally watching project runway on my couch under a blanket staying warm (i did go outside and watch it for a few minutes though :)